Refund Policy

Effective Date: Aug 2020

At ElevateLYF, we strive to provide high-quality counseling services to our clients. We understand that circumstances may arise where a refund for services may be necessary. This Refund Policy outlines the conditions and procedures for requesting a refund. By engaging our services, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy.

  1. Initial Consultation Fee: 1.1 The initial consultation fee with ElevateLYF is non-refundable. It covers the time and expertise provided during the initial assessment process and ensures the availability of our services for your scheduled session.

  2. Individual Counseling Sessions: 2.1 Cancellation and Rescheduling: If you need to cancel or reschedule an individual counseling session with ElevateLYF, we require at least 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled appointment. Failure to provide sufficient notice may result in the forfeiture of the session fee. 2.2 Refunds for Missed Sessions: Missed sessions without prior cancellation or rescheduling notice will not be refunded.

  3. Package/Bundle Purchases: 3.1 If you purchase a package or bundle of counseling sessions in advance from ElevateLYF, the following conditions apply: a) Cancellation and Rescheduling: If you need to cancel or reschedule a session included in the package, we require at least 24 hours’ notice. Failure to provide sufficient notice may result in the session being deducted from the package. b) Refunds for Unused Sessions: If you have unused sessions remaining in your package and decide to discontinue counseling services, you may be eligible for a partial refund from ElevateLYF. The refund amount will be calculated based on the number of sessions used at the individual session rate, minus any applicable cancellation or rescheduling fees. c) Termination by Therapist: In the event that ElevateLYF’s therapist determines that counseling services are no longer appropriate or beneficial for you, a refund for any unused sessions will be provided.

  4. Special Circumstances: 4.1 In cases of extraordinary circumstances, such as sudden illness, severe emergencies, or unforeseen events, we understand that it may not be possible to provide the required notice for cancellations or rescheduling. In such cases, please contact ElevateLYF as soon as possible to discuss possible alternatives or exceptions to the refund policy.

  5. Refund Processing: 5.1 All refund requests must be made in writing, either by email or through ElevateLYF’s designated contact form, and include the reason for the request. 5.2 Refunds will be processed by ElevateLYF within a reasonable time frame and issued using the original payment method.

  6. Non-Refundable Fees: 6.1 Please note that certain fees, such as administrative fees or fees for additional services (e.g., written reports, letters), are non-refundable once the service has been provided by ElevateLYF.

  7. Discretionary Refunds: 7.1 In certain cases, at the discretion of ElevateLYF, we may provide a partial or full refund in exceptional circumstances or if we determine that it is fair and reasonable to do so.

  8. Changes to the Refund Policy: 8.1 ElevateLYF reserves the right to update or modify this Refund Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website. We encourage you to review the Refund Policy periodically for any updates.

  9. Contact ElevateLYF: If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Refund Policy or the refund process, please contact ElevateLYF at [email protected]